Ssc je exam date

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Since I had not enrolled for any coaching classes, the one thing that was missing from my preparation was Mock Tests. SSC JE 2018 Hall Ticket Dates Candidates reporting to any other exam centre than the one allotted will not be allowed to appear for the examination. After completing the exam final result will be prepare by including 1 st and 2 nd paper marks.

For now, you can find SSC JE Result 2015 and the SSC JE 2016 result on Testbook Blog. Note them down and keep safe. SSC has released the result of SSC JE Paper 1 on Autobus 13. What are the important dates of ssc je exam 2017. The only candidates have in their mind who applied for. Age limit: Candidates age must be from 18-32 years as on August 1, 2017 which is needed in the SSC JE 2018 online application form. SSC has met the interested and eligible candidates for Junior Engineer JE posts as in the form of National Level test organized by SSC.

Applicants can check the answer key through online mode from official website of SSC after few days when exam has been conducted. SSC had released the tentative answer key of SSC JE 2018 on February 13. However, SSC will declare the result in PDF format, so candidates will have to check their roll number and name in the PDF for their result status.

Alert! SSC JE Exam Date Extended for Paper I 2017! - Switchgear- rating of circuit breakers: Principles of a extinction by oil and air, H. General, Transmission and Distribution: Different types of power stations, Load factor, diversity factor, demand factor, simple problems thereon, cost of generation, the interconnection of power stations.

The Staff Selection Commission organizes SSC JE exam for the post of Junior Engineer Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical in various Central government organizations such as Central Water Commission, Central Public Works Department, Department of Post, Military Engineering Services, National Technical Research Organisation, Border Roads Organisation, and more. SSC works under the Government of India and recruits staff for various posts in Ministries and Departments of Government of India. The Commission has released the tentative schedule for SSC JE 2018 exam on the official website. The official notification is expected to release on 1 st September 2018. Scroll down for complete information on the exam. Here are the important dates for SSC JEE 2018 examination as per the tentative schedule released on the official website. Candidates who qualify the CBT will be called for the descriptive paper. In general engineering section, candidates have to answer the questions related to their subject the subject selected while filling the application form. Exam mode — Online Total Marks — 200 Total Duration — 2 hours Negative Marks — 0. SSC JE Paper 2: Conventional type questions are included in the paper. Candidates have to select from these parts according to the post they have applied for. SSC JE application process is self-explanatory. Candidates are required to apply for the exam only through the official website. Enter details asked for to complete the registration process. A registration ID and password will be generated. Note them down and keep safe. Enter all the details asked for in the specified fields, upload photograph and signature, select exam cities, choose for the post you want to apply, and pay the application fee to complete the process. SSC JE Exam 2018 Admit Cards: SSC JE Admit Card will be released on the official SSC website 10-15 days before the examination. Candidates can download the admit card through their registration ID and password. Download and take a printout of the admit card. It is necessary to carry the admit card to the examination venue in order to participate in the exam. The Commission will declare the result on the official website. FAQs Frequently Asked Questions Q: When will be the official notification for SSC JE 2018 release? A: As per the tentative schedule released on the official website, the SSC JE 2018 notification will release on 1 st September 2018. Q: What is the exam date for SSC JE 2018? A: SSC JE 2018 exam will be conducted from 14 th to 20 th November 2018. Q: Can I pay the application fee offline? A: Yes, you can pay the application fee offline through the e-challan generated online. Q: When will be the SSC JE 2018 answer key declared? A: The unofficial answer key will be declared by various coaching institutes within one or two days of the exam. However, the official answer key will be declared after a week or two of the exam. Exact dates will be known once the official notification is declared. Q: When will be the final result for SSC JE 2018 declared?